Designed for the Office of Graduate and Continuing Studies at PSU
This slideshow was created and updated by me for the Graduate Office to promote our catalog of graduate programs. We kept the slideshow on display in our office on a screen visible when you walk in, and we set it as a screensaver for the offices public computer. This was also the slideshow we would use at education and career fairs.
The Process
The video above is a smaller version of the slideshow intended to promote my design skills. Slides without copy have been removed. I was not responsible for taking the original photos.
I designed the typography and edited the images to be highly readable and capture attention quickly. The typography for each slide is partially inspired by the degree programs, colleges, and images, while also conforming to the office’s recently adopted brand styles (which I was also responsible for). I tried to remain minimal while also including a sense of style that made the viewers eye travel around the screen. The priority was delivering all the necessary information to the viewer quickly after the images captured their attention. I also had to design for multiple sized screens.
Typography is a simple thing until you realize it isn’t.