Most of My Undergraduate Work

Designed during my undergraduate studies.

During my undergraduate studies I used a Blogger website for my portfolio. I’ll eventually update this portfolio to include the work featured there. For now, I encourage you to take a look. There’s some good work there, including logos, 3D design, packaging, print work, and more…


Visit Blogger portfolio…

Class Project: Publication Ad

Designed for Digital File Preparation class while studying Commercial Graphics at PSU.

For this assignment, the challenge was to create two ads for a full color publication. One had to be a full page and the other a partial page. I had some trouble determining the topic of this ad until I was inspired by Jimmy Fallon’s release of the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon iPhone App. I immediately saw the potential of a publication ad. I wanted to use their design themes from the show, website, and the app itself to create the ad. I found a similar font, used their approximate colors, and did my best to stay true to the style of the show. The colors are matches of the web colors, so I was curious as to how they would print.


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