The Spring Collection – 2014

Designed for various school projects while attending Pittsburg State University.

These are just a few of my favorite design-related school projects I created in the spring semester of 2014. These designs were made for 3 projects in two different classes.


The Details


My Marketing Strategy course required two professional development projects. The first was a resume, the second could be determined by us. I chose the try something new for each of these. The resume, as you can see, was not a traditional design at all, but it does contain all the traditional elements. The QR-Code is a link to, I have my contact information (which is blurred here). I did choose to limit skills to just 3 items. I also condensed education a bit. The limited space also restricted experience to a simple set of lists. Finally, I broke away from a traditional objective to write something a little more akin to this bold design concept.

Even though it’s sure to catch someone’s eye, I’m not sure this would be an effective resume for an application, there’s just not enough information, but it might be usable for an interview, as it does bring up talking points. I did send a similar resume in this style to Google, just to see if I could get a response (and also because I wouldn’t mind working at Google, but so far, there’s been no answer from Google’s recruiting department.


For the second professional development exercise, I tried another unusual concept, this time for a series of business cards. As seen above, one side of the card remains the same, containing the contact information. The other side, however, varies with items from my resume, specifically in the areas of experience, education, and skills. I believe this concept could be very effective in networking because it provides a little information about yourself in the process. In fact someday, I hope to revisit this project and improve upon the concept. Though, I would probably limit the cards to just experience.

In another class, Advertising Campaigns, I worked on a group project and designed a few concepts for a campaign proposal to University Marketing and Communication. The campaign was for the Summer Session at Pitt State, and we wanted to promote the expanding availability of online courses. The artwork for this project was split between myself and another student. I was responsible for the artwork shown below: a design for a pair of sunglasses, a web image-link, and a full-page publication ad.


